Present Levels of Performance:
Be sure to include concrete data(baseline data for the IEP that connects with the goal)
Include language about how the disability has an effect on making progress in the general curriculum
Compare to typical peers, and how this skill is a foundation to help close the gap
Do not cut and paste all of the assessment data found in the ETR. Only include relevant academic or behavioral information that may have an impact on the student’s academic and/or functional performance. Keep in mind that the language must be understandable to parents and all team members involved. It is more important to share the current assessment information that aligns with the assessment in the ETR.
Present levels of performance checklist.
Measurable Goals and Objectives:
All goals included should have a direct relationship to needs identified in most recent evaluation data and present levels of performance.
Guidance in drop down on IEP Anywhere for a SMART goal –
- Specific- focused on what will help the student have the most access to the general curriculum,
- Measurable- how will you collect data and know the student is making progress,
- Attainable within a year,
- Realistic for the student,
- Timely for the student's needs.
Goals and objectives should follow this format:
Who? Will do what? To what level and degree? Under what conditions? In what length of time? How will progress be measured?Remember that how you monitor progress needs to be appropriate for the goal written.
Include a behavior goal if you marked it as a special factor or if the student is ED and it is linked to present levels and ETR areas of need
Remember to include an adaptive behavior goal if the student is qualified as Intellectually Disabled (use to be CD) Must be linked to need identified in the ETR.
Do NOT use names of specific curricular tools or programs, try to keep goals more universal
Tools to help with Writing Goals for Students:
- Goal Development Worksheet
- Measurable Goal Guidance
- Goal Objective Bookmark Guide
- Goal and Objective Menu Guide
Progress Reports and Progress Monitoring:
Make sure to include clear data that aligns with the goal and way it is measured in the quarterly progress reports. If student has
Materials to assist you:
Progress Measurement Descriptions
Progress Monitoring PowerPoint
Progress Reports and Data Collection Guide
Using Data for IEP Progress Monitoring Powerpoint presentation
OP-06A Progress Report Example