This section MUST be included if the child will turn 14 during the cycle of the IEP
Use Indicator 13 Checklist to complete the transition section and turn in with IEP checklist for all IEPs with Transition Plans. Access the checklist by clicking on this link.
In Ohio, all elements for secondary transition planning must be included within the IEP that is in effect when the child turns 14. The IEP transition plan elements can be completed before age 14 if the IEP team determines it to be necessary for the student.
When preparing for the meeting at which this IEP will be drafted, school personnel must • Invite the student
• There is no exception to this requirement. In fact, the student must be invited to every IEP meeting when secondary transition is discussed, regardless of age and disability category.
The district must notify the parents of the following:
The purpose of the meeting will be the consideration of the postsecondary goals and transition services for the child;
The district has invited the child to attend the meeting; and
Any other agency representative that will be invited.
Age Appropriate Transition Assessments (AATA)
Include at least two AATA's (one of which should always be completed by the student)
The assessment can be as simple as a student interest survey, or it can be more involved
A few ASSESSMENTS that you may consider but make sure it is an assessment that will fit the needs of the student:
At a minimum, the IEP must include at least one transition service that addresses each postsecondary goal but this should be different and based on the individual needs of each student so it meets the needs of student for their transition plan.
The type of evidence that will be used to indicate the transition service has been completed must be indicated.
The anticipated target date on which the student will graduate is entered at the end of Section 5. The student’s graduation date is based upon the specific needs of the student not based on the age of the student.
Writing the IEP section 5 goals
In the IEP, be sure to include the areas which are populated in the drop down box in IEP Anywhere to use for each transition section:** ALL staff must use this format for IEPs. This documents the date and type of assessment and areas to complete after completing the assessment to develop the plan with the team
Resources for transition assessments:
- - Multiple Assessments Available to use
Transition Survey for parents.
Link to transition resources in Live Binder Multiple resources for Transition and for IEP.
ODE Website → Search “Secondary Transition” → 1st Link
Direct Link →
Many resources are on the ODE Website and it is continually updated so please check out all often. Resources for teacher training and certifications as well.
- Secondary Transition Livebinder
For examples of Transition Services/Activities Considerations (Do Not Copy - Need to develop to be compliant)
OOD Information
- Requirements for military
- Ohio Means Job - Career Pathways